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landscape view of a beach shoreline, with an overexposed (yet beautiful) blue/grey sky filling up the background.

Beach Horizons

  • 18mm
  • 1 / 250 sec
  • f / 1.4
  • ISO 125

Again, as you can see with this image of the beach, the colours are popping and the whole vibe is just filled with warmth. I did adjust the white balance a bit, but can a monotone picture in comparison convey the same level of warmth? In this context at least, I don’t think so.

Changing tact here, but another thing I appreciate about the X-H2 aside from shooting in RAW, are the guide lines it gives you for getting those horizons looking super straight and central. I know it’s simple enough to straighten up images in Lightroom afterwards, but there’s something so satisfying about nailing it yourself first time 💪🏾